Are you struggling with addiction? Are you discouraged? Are you wanting to dig deeper in your relationship with God? Do you want to encounter God in a new and fresh way? Do you have a friend that is walking through a divorce? Do you have a loved on that is need of help? The MCC Blogs are a place where you can find help, hope and healing on topics that matter.

You Asked for It: Forgiveness

October 13

We’re finishing a series we call “You Asked for It”. Today the topic is “Forgiveness”. People wanted to know about pain, hurt and unforgiveness and how to get past things that are bothering them. 

The goal of this message is for you to know that God can do a healing work in your heart. Can you identify with the statement, “I DON’T CARE ANYMORE”. Just the fact that you say you don’t care means that you care.  

How Do I Know God's Will for My Life

October 6

Have you ever wondered if God cares about the decisions that you make? Have you prayed for direction and feel that He is silent on the matter? Pastor TJ Blaszyk gives us guidance on how to discover God’s purpose for our lives in “How Do I Know God's Will for My Life”.

It's in The Bag

October 6

Today’s message, delivered by Pastor Tony Stewart, is a powerful reminder that we are all destined for victory through God’s anointing. Pastor Tony explores how God’s promises and anointing prepare us for the battles and transitions in our lives. Let’s dive into the key points and lessons from this inspiring message.

God’s nature is timeless. He is not bound by our concept of time. He exists in eternity, covering our past, present, and future simultaneously. This understanding is crucial as it reassures us that God is always in control, regardless of our circumstances.

You Asked for It: Election Infection

September 29

Did you know the Bible is packed with politics? You cannot read the Bible and think God is not interested in our national and state lives. The same Bible that directs our spiritual and family life, directs nations. If we want God’s blessings upon our nation, we will pay attention and live by these standards. 

In this election season, with all the tension and controversy, our hearts are at risk for what I call “election infection”. Passions are spiked. Thinking is clouded. Relationships can be damaged. Everywhere there’s a post, a comment or a conversation puts us at risk for election infection. Meanwhile election ads promise policies that are going to save us all. And, if this wasn’t enough, we really do have problems that need to be dealt with. This all works to make it easy for our hearts to become jaded. Election infection is an epidemic.

The Recreated Dream

September 22

The twelve words in Proverbs 3:6, “​​In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths” changed my life. You have heard that one word from God can absolutely change your whole life and it happened to me. 

Look at this verse and draw a line after the first six words. We tend to live on the wrong side of the line. I have been a pastor for 30 yrs. When my dad, Tommy Barnett,  obtained a building in one of the worst areas in Los Angeles, he began looking for someone to pastor the church. I was the son of a pastor who had one of the first mega churches in the nation. I grew up thinking I would follow in his footsteps. But he had an opportunity to save a church from being taken over by their bank and he didn’t want to lose this church. Sometimes we save something instead of being called to something.

You Asked For It - Part Two

September 15

We are in our series “You Asked For It” and it makes sense why “Are we living in the last days?” would be one of our top areas of interest. The news portrays horrific things that are taking place around the world; murders, pandemic viruses and resulting widespread fear, not to mention the rapid moral decline.

Even if you know very little about what the Bible says about the last days, you know enough to say “Hey, wait a minute. There seems to be some kind of connection here.” There’s a poll that confirms over 30% of Americans are putting together the end time events of Scripture with the evening news. So, what does the Bible say?

You Asked For It - Part One

September 8

Well, you asked for it! I’m excited about this first week because if Jesus was standing here, He would say it’s the most important thing He could teach His kids about. One of the major goals of Christianity is that we reach people who are far from God. Luke 19:10 (NLT) says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”

We've always wanted to build a place where people that are far from God could come and experience not only God, but His people. We want them to be comfortable and feel accepted. The Bible says that when one person gets saved, all the angels in heaven rejoice.

Put God First

September 1

Serve each other. Don’t be stingy. Spend time with Him. When we put God first and honor Him with our time, we develop a heart for Him.  If you can’t be generous toward the One who gave everything to you, you will never be generous toward your family or friends. Put God first. God will never owe you. He will never allow you to give more to Him than He is going to give to you.

You Are the One

August 25

These are challenging times and God is looking for people who will stand out and stand up on His Word.  We’re not to settle and accept things as they are. Don’t miss an opportunity to walk in all God has for you. Rise up and walk in the anointing and dynamic power that He has ordained in you. I’m not only talking to you, but I’m talking to the generations to follow. 

Never Doubt Again

August 18

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He hasn’t changed. Today we are in Galatians 3. Have you had times when everything is falling apart and it seems that foreign voices overwhelm every other voice, like a market salesman shouting and proclaiming his services and wares? I’ve felt that way about faith. I tried to live by faith and all hell broke loose. The enemy starts talking and you get to the place where you say, “God, if you’re real can you just touch me?” Would you be interested if I gave you something that would keep you from doubting ever again?

Count it All Joy

August 11

Why should you be happy when your faith is in the fight? It doesn’t make sense. We’ve been talking about building our faith muscle. If you want to grow in your faith, you have to exercise it, and the way to exercise it is to use it. In a fight you have an opportunity to use your faith. 

When your faith is tried, count it all joy because God is giving your faith a chance to grow.

The Faith Fight

August 4

Has your faith ever been pushed to the limit? Have you ever walked through something that caused you to doubt the strength of your faith? Have you ever felt like you were in a fight and didn’t know if you were going to make it another round?  Welcome to the Faith Fight.Times are tough but God is tougher. No matter what your fight or how impossible the situation, God is always bigger and more powerful than what is happening to you.


July 28

Listen to this message by Pastor Troy Gramling, author of “Potential”, as he identifies three enemies and three allies of your potential. Enemies of potential work against the fulfillment of your God-designed destiny, but you can employ allies to conquer those enemies. You are created for significance. This is not the time to give up but it is the time to press forward.

The Life Impact of Habits

July 21

Make the rest of your year the best of your year. Make new good habits and break some old bad habits. If the next six months are going to be different, what are you going to do differently?  What do you need to change? 

The Bible is full of wisdom that we can apply. When Solomon became king, God offered him whatever Solomon wanted. Solomon asked God for wisdom. The more wisdom you have, the fewer miracles you need. My book, Make That, Break That  was written to help you with your habits and is based in the wisdom of God’s Word. 

Wisdom to Know

July 14

You need a mentor. In Proverbs, King Solomon offers to be your mentor in thirty different areas including attitude, work, and relationships. You need help and here’s what you need to know. 

Let’s start with a question about what you already know. Do you know what you are doing? Do you know what God wants you to do? The number one way God leads all Christians is the Bible. The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit and it is God's will for your life. When you are reading the Bible, you are literally reading the thoughts of God. In fact, it is the only book that, when you read it, the author shows up!

Haunted by Hurt

July 7

If you listen to the news, you will learn about the failures that are happening in the church. My new book, Hope After Church Hurt, is God's answer to a crisis we’ve been in. It is a positive turn, knowing God wants to heal the church and His people.Churches are here to reach the lost and heal the found. God is not done with the church.

Authority Intelligence Pt 4

June 30

Today we conclude our AI series. Lives are being changed by the understanding of our authority as we learn. As a servant of God you need to realize that you have been given authority and you have the right to use it. Know your authority in Christ. It is the truth that you know that sets you free. Our authority is found in one word, and that is the name of Jesus.

Authority Intelligence Pt 3

June 23

This past Sunday, we continued our series on the authority of the believer. If you are wanting to know more about who you are in Christ and the authority you have in His name, then these messages are for you! 

Authority Intelligence

June 16

Understanding my authority changed my life and I believe that it will change your life too. We can no longer “play church”. We have got to understand the battle we are in, gathering intelligence and exposing the enemy and his schemes. There are many battles that we fight for health, relationships, and daily living, but God wants you to know that he has given you authority. Get knowledge on this subject so you can stand up and do something. God has already won the victory for you.

Understanding Authority

June 9

As a Christian, God has given us authority over all the power of the enemy! In this message to start our Authority Intelligence series, Pastor TJ Blaszyk unpacks where our authority comes from, what our authority is and how to exercise authority in our lives.

Understanding Our Authority

June 9

As a Christian, God has given us authority over all the power of the enemy! In this message to start our Authority Intelligence series, Pastor Dave Lomasney unpacks where our authority comes from, what our authority is and how to exercise authority in our lives.

Relationship Goals #5: Heartbreak Hotel

May 26

To love is to be caught in a great irony. You can't love without opening your heart, but by opening your heart, you risk pain because we cannot control outcomes. Listen to the final message from our #RelationshipGoals collection and learn how to break out of heartbreak.

Living in The More

May 19

Did you know, you are living in the “more”. Let’s explain what that means. In Romans 8:35-39, the Apostle Paul proclaims and declares, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: ‘For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.’ No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Who can separate us from the love of God? Paul said that he and those accompanying him faced death all day long, but that they were more than conquerors - in all those things through Him who loves us. Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. What are you facing right now? What do you need in your life?

Relationship Goals: Parenting

May 12

We have been exploring the different relationship dynamics, and one of the biggest ones many of us stand in, is the relationship between parent and child. 

In this generation, a lot of people have a lot of different opinions. Now when you are a parent, the world of opinions gets larger and larger as everyone who has children is trying to navigate how to raise a child in this day and age. There was a survey done on how parents felt they wanted to raise their children. 85% percent were uncertain of how they should effectively raise their child in today's world.

Relationship Goals: Are You on The Same Page?

May 5

We’ve been exploring relationships and the reality that no one enters a relationship expecting for it to fall apart. Yet, we’ve all experienced brokenness and dysfunction. 

So, why is it we want one thing but get another? It turns out that there are habits, attitudes, and actions we ‘slip or trip’ into, and even though they are unintentional, they still cause damage. This series is meant to help us avoid painful pitfalls in our relationships that matter most. 

Outside of your relationship with Christ, your marriage is the most important relationship you have.

Relationship Goals: Communication & Conflict

April 28

Today, we continued our series on Relationship Goals. Regarding relationships, keep in mind, we don’t fall in love. We commit to love. We choose to show respect, kindness, and forgiveness. We choose to be selfless and to serve. We are better together. We choose to be intentional in our relationships. Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.”

Last week, Dr. Dave’s message was on singleness. It was not just for those who are in a single season. Likewise, if you are in a relationship of any kind, today is also for you. Relationships can be for a short-term such as some friendships or business partnerships but we are focusing on long-term relationships such as serious dating, or marriage. That’s the focus, but these principles can be applied to all relationships.

Relationship Goals: The Framework

April 21

This series on Relationships is meant to help us avoid painful pitfalls with those we love. We’re doing it by studying the life of an Old Testament figure named Abraham. His story speaks to all of our stories, no matter the season of life you’re in. 

Last week, we covered some principles that work for every relationship. In a couple weeks I will talk about Parenting. Today, I want to unpack a message for those who are living in a SINGLE SEASON. 

How to Lose a Relationship in Four Steps

April 14

There’s no area of our life that carries greater impact than our relationships. Relationships are our greatest source of joy and sorrow, stress and satisfaction. 

So, why do relationships get broken? No one ever goes on a date, into a marriage, or has kids intending for those relationships to fail. The only way to avoid a break is to see with a new set of eyes.

Abraham and his wife Sarah were the two God chose to establish the Jewish race. Abraham is called the ‘Father of Faith’ because of his unflinching confidence in God. The irony is, as faith filled as Abraham was, he was one of the most relationally dysfunctional people in scripture. 

Love God, Follow Jesus

April 7

Baptism is vital to your spiritual journey. My goal today is that you understand the priority of baptism. The Lord gave us two ordinances, two ceremonies, that he wants us to observe as we worship together. One is holy communion and the other is water baptism. Matthew 28:19 (NLT) speaks of Jesus commanding, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” You could say baptism is as important as the great commission because it is part of the great commission. So why do so many believers go without being baptized?

Easter 2024

March 31

The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to raise the dead things in your life.  In this message Dr Dave teaches us that Easter is not just something to be celebrated, but it is something to be experienced. Find out how you can experience the power of Easter in your life today.

Rock and Role

March 24

Today is Palm Sunday. If it’s Palm Sunday, why are there a bunch of rocks on the scene in the biblical account instead of palm trees?  What do palm trees and rocks have in common? 

Do The Thing!

March 17

We are gearing up for Palm Sunday and Easter. Last week we learned to simply say, “You should come to church with me this Sunday.” Today, I want to challenge you, don’t hesitate. Just do it. Have you been that person who is so awkward about inviting someone to church? You don’t have an issue inviting them to other things. Inviting them to church is no different. It’s a step of faith. Chances are they are wondering why you’ve never said anything. They already know you go to church every Sunday! Invite them! Do the thing. They’re dying for you to invite them. They are literally dying. They need to know Jesus. What better way to love them than to introduce them to Jesus. Their relationship with Jesus will be a perfect match most definitely made in heaven.

The Power of the Invite

March 10

I love my church! Do you love your church? We have Easter season coming up and we have provided special invitation cards for you to invite people. Think about who you’re giving your invitation to.

Go! Do!

March 3

Last week we changed the acronym, WWJD to WDJD. When Jesus was getting ready to depart this earth, he said to his disciples, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father”

(John 14:12 NLT). You and I are called to do what Jesus did, but to do that, we have to know what he did, and then how we can follow his example.


February 25

We are continuing our series “All About Jesus” and today I pose a question, “What did Jesus do?” Have you seen the WWJD wristbands meaning “What Would Jesus Do?” Why speculate over what Jesus would do? I want to focus on what Jesus did: WDJD.

When Jesus Shows Up

February 11

In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus quotes a prophetic scripture about himself. He came and was anointed to bring Good News. The gospel is good news, not news of doom and gloom. The question I have for you is, “What happens when Jesus shows up?” “What happens when Jesus walks in the door?” I want you to know that, when Jesus walks in the door, the very atmosphere of the room changes. When Jesus walks in the door, sickness, death, poverty, and the curse have to go out!

Victory Formation

February 11

Who knew that in many ways, football and faith have a lot of connections. Through the team dynamics, through play strategies, and how teams handle their opponents, it all relates to the life of a believer.  

Seeing Jesus Clearly

February 2

Who do you say Jesus is? In Matthew 16:13-15, Jesus asked his disciples two important questions; “Who do men say I am?” and “Who do you say I am?” I want to make sure you can answer these questions. Who is Jesus to you?

Jesus Is For You

January 28

We are in our series, “All About Jesus”. There’s one thing that I want you to learn in this series. Jesus loves you and He is for you. No matter how bad you have messed up as a believer or an unbeliever…you can come to Jesus at any time, and He will not condemn you. He will forgive you and He will set you free.

Know Jesus

January 21

Easily, one of the greatest challenges for anyone who is following Christ is the fact that your relationship is based on the pages of scripture instead of face to face interactions with a person. This reality is usually the reason people settle for a lifeless faith that is more ritual and routine than it is a relationship with a living God.

Dealing with Anxiety

January 14

Do you know, you do not have to live with anxiety or depression? There are real solutions that can be effective immediately! With anxiety, circumstances could be great but there is a war on the inside of your soul. Anxiety is not a malfunction of the mind. It is your body’s signal that something is not right. 

10 Ways To Get More

Jan. 7

I am believing for “Far More in 24”! Ephesians 3:20 in the Message Bible says, ”God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” Now that I’ve been thinking about the word “more” for 2024, I am finding it throughout the Bible.

A Life-Changing Word

Dec. 31

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? We do need goals and objectives for ourselves. Forming good habits and breaking bad habits help to move our lives forward. But there is something that can change your whole life in one moment. Today’s message is about the miracle of a word. One word from God can connect with your circumstances to drastically change the direction of your life. It has supernatural power to do what God says it will do.

Change of Plans

Dec. 24

I'm dedicating this message to those of you who may be facing something that you didn't plan. Are you a planner? I know there are those who are facing something that you didn't plan. Maybe you’re job hunting at an unexpected time in your life or having a medical battle. Maybe life took a turn and you find yourself separated from a spouse or children at this time.

Hope Is For You

Dec. 17

Where is your hope? What are you placing your hope in? Hope is absolutely essential to life. Without hope, we are lost and drifting, we have nothing to look forward to, and we have no anticipation for the future.

The Heart of a Giver

Dec. 10

God blesses us so we can be a blessing. Today, at Motor City Church, we are commiting to a vision that God has revealed to us for 2024. Let’s look closely at giving to better understand how it works.

God Is For You; Your Gift Is For God

Dec. 3

Have you ever played on a sports team or been a part of a project or service team?  If you have, you understand what it feels like to make a difference. Today’s message is about showing our Heart for the House by using our God-given gifts. For me and others I know, serving in the local church saved my life.  It does cost something to serve but the blessing experienced as a result of serving far outweighs the cost.

Just Like Us

Nov. 26

At Motor City Church, we are in the season we call “Heart for the House.” Heart for the House is all about making a difference together by giving our time, talent, and treasure. Matthew 6:25-33 is a classic passage and ends with, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things (things we tend to worry about) will be given to you as well.” The focus according to this verse is God’s kingdom. Have you ever asked, “What can I do for God?” Yes, we are His kids and He has amazing things He has given us in the past and wants to give us in the future, but we are also His servants and He has a Kingdom focus. What does it mean to have a heart for the things God has a heart for?

The Generosity Advantage

Nov. 19

Do you know about the Generosity Advantage? This advantage is a God-sized life that is full of vision for purposes of doing the work of the Kingdom of God and seeing it come to earth. It’s easy to default to people who just seem gifted at all they do as winners, but we are all born to win. We are created in the image of God, with His DNA, and we have a destiny of greatness and victory. God promises that He works everything together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His name. With an attitude of gratitude, we are triumphant and victorious, no matter where we are in life.

Vision Sunday 2023

Nov. 12

At this time of year, I make it a habit to look forward to the coming new year. For me it is a time to envision things I want to see happen and to pray through what God wants me to do. It is also a time to cast vision for my church, the people I serve as pastor. I hope what I have to say today provides wisdom as you look to move forward, no matter where you call home.

The Key to Heaven On Earth

Oct. 29

In Matthew 22:37-40, “Jesus replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” The most important commandment is to love the Lord your God wholeheartedly. In this passage, Jesus is quoting Deuteronomy 6: 5-6. He’s reminding the disciples of their heritage, their legacy. Deuteronomy 6 goes on to teach followers to talk about the word of God day and night, reminding their families what God has done. Write the word of God where you will see it all the time and bind your mind to it. Teach your children to stand for the principles of the Bible. Commit yourself wholeheartedly to loving God. When you love God, He will be with you, He will lead you, help you and bless you.

Dreams & Vision

Oct. 22

The Bible says when there is no vision; people perish (Proverbs 29:18). When you don’t have any vision or idea of where you’re going, you lose your drive. Think about retired people. If you stop working, and you’re not picking up some sort of hobby or activity, your brain and body will slowly start to become inactive. Soon enough, you’ll have no interest in life, therefore seeing no reason for living. It’s the same with dreams. When we just go about life and don’t ask God to give us a vision, we become easily uninterested with life and are left with no hope for the future. But what happens when God gives us a dream?

Harness Your Thoughts

Oct. 8

Our previous message for this series, “Heaven on Earth”, was about getting a clear vision, and vision blockers that get in the way of us seeing clearly what God has for us. Many of these vision blockers happen in the mind. Most people allow all kinds of negative thoughts to enter their minds, and those thoughts eventually rule and destroy, because they are not controlled by God‘s truth. In the very first message of this series, I talked about the Word of God being the will of God and the truth of God. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth…” God sent truth through Jesus.

Raising Parents

Oct. 1

Regardless of where you are in your parenting journey, this message is for you. You don’t have to parent long before you realize you don’t know how to parent. Parents need training. My wife and I bought a dog before we had kids and learned that we had to be trained as owners, along with the dog. If an owner is not trained, they will destroy any work a trainer has done. Parenting is important and we need to get all the knowledge and wisdom and understanding that we can.

Clear Your VIsion

Sept 24

You’ve heard it said that we are to write the vision and make it clear. Have you ever heard it said this way, “Clear your vision”? A lot of people don’t reach their potential, not because they’re not talented enough or don’t have the favor of God. It is because their vision is limited, blurred or hindered. They don’t see themselves living healthy, accomplishing their dreams, happily married. They will never rise any higher than the way that they see themselves.

You Are Anointed To..

Sept 17

Expectancy is the key to receiving. Have you ever felt the whole of hell is coming at you? You may be tempted to ask “Why me?” I would ask, “Why not you?” Jesus told us we would have tribulation. Satan thinks he still rules so don’t be shocked when it happens. The good news is that you don’t have to put up with it. Be of good cheer! Trouble is coming, but get excited. You’re about to see another testimony develop! Jesus has made sure you are positioned for victory.

Divinely Designed for Success

Sept 10

I ended my recent series on prayer by teaching a personal pattern of prayer that we find in Matthew 6. “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven’” (Matthew 6:9-10 NASB2020).Remember, God‘s will and what God wants for you is always better than what you want for you. “May His will be done on earth, as it is in heaven” is “heaven on earth”.

Dynamic Prayer

Aug 27
I have been in a series of messages named Pray More. We’ve talked about praying with confidence, the tabernacle model for prayer, and praying with persistence. Today, my message is about dynamic prayer and I am using the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13.

Persistence In Prayer

Aug 20
In my Pray More message series, my first message was about praying more in confidence. Last week we gave you the Tabernacle model of prayer along with a download that will help you. Today is about persistence. My son, Solomon, is relentless when he sets his mind on something. It’s impossible to break his focus. Do you have someone in your life who is persistent in going after something they want? This is a quality we need in prayer.

The Tabernacle & Prayer

Aug 13
A plan is important in most areas of life. Today we’re continuing our topic on prayer, “Pray More”. Do you have a prayer list? A strategic plan is great to go along with the list. When we pray, we go to war. Think of a general without a plan or strategy. Remember that things in the natural are impacted by the spiritual and prayer impacts the spiritual. Strategy is important.

Confidence In Prayer

Aug 6
I’m sure many of us know that prayer is crucial in our walk with God, right? But how many know that while prayer is one of the most important things to do in our lives as believers, it’s also one of the biggest struggles? The truth is, many believe in the power of prayer;  they just struggle to pray. People see it as a chore to cross off their to-do list or something they only need to do before eating a meal.


July 30
Whether you know it or not, you are a witness of Jesus! Each of us are called to be a witness, we are called to save the lost. We tend to talk with others about sports or our family, but are we willing to talk with them about Jesus? Watch this message to learn how we can finish God's work and see the lost saved in our city, our nation and in the world!

How's Your Expector?

July 23

Did you know, your tomorrow can be better than your today. I’ve been going through a list of words that will help each of us make the rest of our year, the best of our year. The tenth word on my list is “expectation”. What are you going to do with the days you have left this year? Let’s start with what you are expecting.

I'm With Jesus

July 16

Have you ever been in a season of life where everything just felt like too much? Too much to carry, too much to deal with? Well praise God for Jesus, because I’m certain we all have been. Through the blood of Christ we have hope and a future. We can come into the presence of God with whatever we’re carrying, and lay it at His feet.

Make the Rest of Your Year, The Best of Your Year

July 9

I am continuing with my list of 10 words that will help you make the rest of your year the best of your year. First of all, be reminded that everything that happens to you is not God’s will. What will be will be is not a true statement. Our decisions determine where we’re going. Our choices matter.

Make the Rest of Your Year, The Best of Your Year

July 2

We are halfway through the year and I want to pause and help you understand that no matter how your year has gone, whether great or terrible, you can make the rest of your year the best of your year. God works all things together for your good and no weapon formed against you will prosper. All things are made new in Him.

Stay Humble

June 25

A couple of weeks ago, we talked about humility - what it means to be humble. Today, I want to continue on that topic. A lot of people have the wrong idea of what humility is. They think being humble means you have to let people walk all over you, that you can’t do anything, or that you don’t have anything nice.


June 18

Philippians 2:13 says “For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure.” Happy Father’s Day! Dads, be encouraged. Faith doesn’t make things easier. It makes them possible. Your past doesn’t define you but rather prepares you. The lid on your life will always be the mirror. Don’t go through it. Grow through it.


June 11

What an incredible week it has been in my church! God has done amazing things in the past year and a half since Trinity in Louisville became part of our Motor City Church family. Our vision has once again expanded as we merge with Royal City Church locally, because we know we are better together. The pastors at our Troy and Louisville campuses, as well as other leaders who have reached out to us to celebrate with us, believe this is an incredible kingdom move.

Deconstructing Pride

June 4

Today, I want to talk about pride. A message on pride, for purposes of actual change in people’s lives, is a frustrating topic because the people who need to hear it don’t think it’s for them. I want to challenge you as you read this article to be open to considering that you have a little bit of pride. Keep in mind that if you’re not open to receiving this message you probably need to hear it.

At It's Finest

May 28

Do you feel like you’re in the middle - emotionally, financially, relationally? Your situation is better than it used to be, but you’re not where you know you’re supposed to be.  In James 1:2-4, James tells us “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

Don't Be A "Gracist"

May 21

So, what made Jesus mad? I've been processing this the last few weeks in my series “Angry Jesus.” I saw a church sign the other day. It said, “We love hurting people.” I realized as I read it that if you accent different words in the sentence, you get a different message. 

The truth of the matter is, I have heard so many stories over the last few weeks, and of course over 30 years of ministry, of how the church has hurt people. Ironically, that's what was going on back in Jesus' day. Today I want to focus on John 8, my favorite story. It's about a woman caught in the act of adultery. We do not know who she was, but for today, I’m calling her “Janice”.

Indifference to The Least of These

May 14

On this Mother’s Day, regardless of what this day means to you, we can agree that children are important to Jesus.

Throughout history, people have attempted to paint the perfect portrait of Jesus. Sometimes, He's smiling. Sometimes, He's crying or praying. We all have our gentle, sweet image of Jesus, but that picture isn't complete. If we're really going to understand the Savior of the Bible, it's time to take a fresh look. For years, Christians have asked, "What would Jesus do?" But what if we asked a more illuminating question, "What made Jesus mad?"

Live Dangerously

May 7

Today, I continue with a message on things that made Jesus mad. Anytime there's blocked access to God, it makes Jesus mad. If you haven’t seen my message on Jesus’ temple-tantrum from last week, please go back and read/listen. So, legalism… I hate it. If you've got a stupid rule, I'm going to want to challenge it. I want to know why the rule is there and if it makes sense! Rules are never going to be able to cover every scenario we could come up with and an effort to try to make rules that do so results in stupid rules.

Are We Making Jesus Mad?

April 30

Everybody loves Jesus, right? I've never ever had a conversation with anyone who thought he was a jerk. He healed people, loved people, and cared for the outcast. He died a horrible death because he believed that he could save our souls. Even if someone doesn't believe the story at all, you can't not like Jesus.

It's Time To Wake Up

April 23

I’ve been abused but you won’t see any scars, used but you won’t see the wear and tear, lonely when surrounded by my closest friends and blackmailed but I will not negotiate with terrorists. We must wake up to the fact that the enemy is at war with us. Everything that happens in the natural is impacted by things in the spiritual. It is time to wake up in the spirit.

Spiritual Warefare

April 16

There is a war going on and a lot of Christians are just simply not engaged in the fight. The Bible has a lot to say about this. Ephesians 6:10 teaches us, “Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.” Picture this, the devil is at the drawing board trying to come up with a way to trip you up, or mess you up, or destroy your life (John 10:10). Sometimes I think the devil is working harder to destroy us than we are working to keep it from happening.

Resurrection Sunday

April 9

Happy Easter! This is the day we celebrate Jesus conquering death and the grave. During our service today at MCC, we heard an amazing testimony of redemption and restoration, literally a story of a life bound for death and destruction to a life of promise and hope. It reminds me of God's goodness. It makes me crazy about God. I want more of Him. On Easter, there is so much pressure to preach well in hopes that people will love the message and return for more. How do I get this message right today? If I do well, maybe people will come back for Christmas. How do I make Jesus’ torture, crucifixion and death exciting? How do I explain the resurrection which is the most exciting part? All of this is hard for some to believe because they don’t understand. But actually, people believe a lot of things they don’t understand and can’t explain. God wouldn't be a God worth believing in if we understood Him completely. He is a big, amazing God. We just need to ask the right questions.

This Is The Day

April 2

Palm Sunday occurs every year on the Sunday before Easter. Today, we remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The account is  in all four of the gospels. Jesus entered the city, knowing that he was going to be tried, and then crucified. But, he also knew he would be raised from the grave to save us from sin. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week or Passion Week, which is the remembrance of the last days of Jesus..

Talk About Trust

March 26

Today, I want to talk to you about trusting the process. Do you have kids? Things change rapidly with kids. Sometimes it feels like you are in a place where nothing will ever change. You have a two year old that throws a fit about everything. But give it two weeks. Things will change. Maybe you have an eight year old who is so enjoyably pleasant and cooperative. But…give it two weeks! Things WILL change. Life can be crazy. Sometimes we fight the process. We kick against the goads I’ve heard it said. But we need to trust the process.

Excellence Now

March 19

Today, I will continue my series about habits. I am introducing habits that we don’t often think of and this week I wanted to talk about the habit of excellence. Excellence is doing the best you can with what you’ve got. The key is to treat what you own and live your life with excellence - make it a lifestyle.

Stir it Up

March 12

There is a high value placed on the dying words of a person. If you have been with a loved one as they were ready to pass from this world to the next, you probably remember the last thing they said to you. The value of someone’s dying words is even legally valuable. We have the Apostle Paul’s last words in 2 Timothy. This book is known as the last writings of Paul. It is a pastoral book written to his spiritual son, Timothy. It was written during the time of Nero who was violently against Christians, blaming and killing them for things he did. Paul had been released from prison but was in prison again for preaching and teaching the Christian faith. In filth, in a cistern, his thought was to write a letter to Timothy to challenge and encourage him. Paul knew his next step was his end, his death. It’s important for us to hear the passion and urgency Paul wants to press into Timothy.

The Happy Habit

March 5

We have been in our series called “Make That Break That” talking about habits that we need to develop and habits that we need to get rid of in order to live a year of unlimited possibilities. I would like to consider a habit today that I call “The Happy Habit”. Proverbs 3:13 AMPC says, “Happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) is the man who finds skillful and godly Wisdom, and the man who gets understanding [drawing it forth from God's Word and life's experiences].”

The Satisfaction of Generosity

Feb. 26

I have been doing a series “Make That Break That” about habits that we need to develop and habits that we need to get rid of in order to live with unlimited possibilities. One of the bad habits we should break is being selfish and self-centered, and the best way to do that is to form the habit of being generous.  

The Habit of Confidence

Feb. 19

I’ve been talking about the habits that will help us make this year a year of unlimited possibilities. I’ve written about the habit of putting God first and the habit of speaking right words by changing our thoughts. My purpose in these messages is to highlight habits we need to make and habits we need to break. We will find as we make better habits, like the habit of faith, that we overcome the bad habits like worry and fear.

Super Sunday

Feb. 12

Today is Super Sunday. The Super Bowl is the culmination of what teams aspire to. One of the most important things on a football team is the relationship between the quarterback and the center. This relationship is a delicate balance between trust and intimacy. Their relationship is so intimate, that the center knows the touch of his QB  and understands the message of the pressure in that touch, causing him to know when the quarterback is ready for the play.

Secure Your Victory

Feb. 5

I have been discussing the topic of habits the past few weeks with a focus on spiritual habits - habits that will change you, such as putting God first in your day, in your service, and in your finances, aligning yourself with God’s purpose for your life, and living a life of faith, a habit of faith that overcomes fear and worry.

The Habit of Reset

Jan. 29

If you have ever raised or helped raise children, there comes a point when you realize that much of their tension and frustration are self-inflicted. If you take it a step further, you realize we, having started out as children, often don’t change much over the years. Much of the time, we are the source of our own angst.

The Habit of Faith

Jan. 22

We’ve been talking about habits the past couple of weeks - putting God first and discovering your purpose. Today, I want to focus on the habit of faith. The Bible says that we are to live by faith. Living by faith in God takes the pressure off of us and allows us to enjoy life in a much greater way.

Life By Design

Jan. 15

“Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you” (Romans 12:1-2 MSG).

Make God First

Jan. 8

This will be a year of unlimited possibility. Declare it with me! Right here at the beginning of this new year, let’s consider our habits.We are what we repeatedly do. If you haven’t read my book, Make That, Break That,  this would be a great time to get a copy!I desire real change this year, a transformation. In any area of life, if you want to see something new, you’ve got to make a change. The way to live life the way God has for us is challenging; it’s doable but it’s challenging.

Unlimited Possibilities

Jan. 1

I want to declare this is a year of Unlimited Possibilities. When a woman is pregnant, for the first few months, she doesn't look any different. She's the same size, wears the same clothes, and has the same amount of energy. From the outside, there's no sign that she's going to have a baby, and if you just look at her naturally, you could think, "You're not pregnant, there's nothing different about you".

The Center Peace

Dec. 25

It's been quite the build up: you’ve put out decorations, you’ve planned events, you’ve purchased gifts, and many of you have prepared meals. Let’s take the next few moments to ensure you can enjoy Christmas. 

One of the first decorations I think about during this season is the nativity set, a miniature manger filled with characters from the first Christmas story. Although they’re intended to paint the picturesque night of Christ’s birth, as a kid I saw them as nothing more than toys.

The Rhythm of Christmas

Dec. 18

Think about clapping a simple beat. Then imagine hearing a drummer performing a more complicated sequence. When we hear these different beats, we’re experiencing rhythm. In terms of life, think about the pace, the rhythm your life is following. The pattern. The sound. The tempo. You can tell a lot about where a person has been and where a person is going by their rhythm.

Fulfill Your Calling

Dec. 11

As some have said, ‘A career is what you are PAID to do, but a calling is what you were MADE to do.’ At Motor City Church we have engineers who volunteer with our Parking Lot team and we have Kidz volunteers who are accountants and communications specialists. When you find your calling and start operating in that calling, there is satisfaction that brings a sense of fulfillment like nothing else. In addition, your calling builds God's house and this is what makes a difference in our church, our city, and our world. Your calling is a central piece to what God wants to do in this world. 

Stretching Faith

Dec. 4

We are in a season we call Heart for the House here at Motor City Church. There are many ways we can show our heart for God’s house. Many serve on the Dream Team, our volunteer teams, and many tell others about Motor City Church. We also show our heart for the house through our giving during the year.  But, once a year we get together and imagine what we could do to help bring about the vision for the future. 

Heart For The House

Nov. 27

At Motor City Church, we are in the season we call “Heart for the House.” Heart for the House is all about making a difference together by giving our time, talent, and treasure. 

 Matthew 6:25-33 is a classic passage and ends with, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things (things we tend to worry about) will be given to you as well.” The focus according to this verse is God’s kingdom. Have you ever asked, “What can I do for God?” Yes, we are His kids and He has amazing things He has given us in the past and wants to give us in the future, but we are also His servants and He has a Kingdom focus. What does it mean to have a heart for the things God has a heart for? 

The Journey To Generosity

Nov. 20

“I expected more.” That’s what Jamey’s new wife said to him on their honeymoon when they couldn’t afford to go on an excursion during the cruise they were on. The trip was all-inclusive, except for excursions. There would be no extras but Jamey’s wife had expected more. 

Mission: Impossible

Nov. 13

We’ve all heard of MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE… But what about MISSION: POSSIBLE? Today I want to share with you your mission…should you choose to accept it. You are an agent, and you have a mission. I don’t want to spoil it for you, but there is a greater purpose in this mission than just going to church, seeing your friends and hearing a nice little Bible message. This mission is not merely a matter of life or death…this mission is about eternity.

Vision Sunday

Nov. 6

Today I want to talk about what God is calling us to do as the church. I call this Vision Sunday. My focus today is on Motor City Church, but it is applicable to THE church, the universal church. We are people that are leveraging our influence and our lives and our gifts to bring Jesus the most glory AND MAKE HIM FAMOUS. God has enlisted each of us to be a part of what He wants to do in our cities, our regions & countries, and around the world.

Created For Greatness

Oct 30

In today’s message, the scripture I want to focus on is Joshua 1:8, “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”

Making Lasting Changes

Oct 16

Our verse for this series is Romans 12:2. God is transforming us from the inside out by changing the way we think. When our thinking is changed, then we will learn to know God’s will for our lives. Our goal is to learn to make our mind mind!

Don't Hold Back

Oct 9

I Kings 20:35-43 is an interesting account of a prophet. “And a certain man of the sons of the prophets said to his fellow at the command of the Lord, ‘Strike me, please.’ But the man refused to strike him. Then he said to him, ‘Because you have not obeyed the voice of the Lord, behold, as soon as you have gone from me, a lion shall strike you down.’ And as soon as he had departed from him, a lion met him and struck him down.

Hard Changes

Oct 2

We are talking about mindset in this series. What we think about is essential to what our lives become. Our choices impact our behavior and our situations. Changing our mindset means changing what we are thinking about. To help you with that, text ‘godspromises’ to 689-214-5554. As you meditate on these things that God has in His mind for you, you will get hold of them in YOUR mind for you.

Take Captive

Sept 25

Romans 12:2 “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”We have a choice to allow God to change the way we think. If we pay attention, we realize choices shape a lot of our life, even more than circumstances. We are a byproduct of our past but we're not a prisoner of our past. Choices have consequences so if we change our mind, we can change our world.

A Purpose That Will Inspire You

Sept 18

There is a significant difference between setting goals and setting goals with a God-given purpose. In 2 Timothy 1:9 we learn God has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began. We are saved, called and graced for PURPOSE. Purpose is all that God created you for, called you to and graced you for. It is what life equips you for.

Change Your Mind

Sept 11

Have you limited yourself by your own thinking? Do you struggle to stay positive? Mindset is a premier topic in the Bible. I like to think of it this way, the person of Jesus prepares you for heaven, but His principles prepare you for life here on earth.

Promise Over Problem

Sept 4

Do you remember how we learned fractions in school? One number over another number means a particular portion of the whole. And, if you have 5/3rds for instance, it actually converts to 1 and 2/3rds or more than a whole. That’s the way I want to look at the concept of God’s promises vs. our problems. If we put the promise over the problem, we will come out with more than whole!

How Do I Know I Really Hear Him?

August 28

So, how do you know if it's God talking to you? 1 John 4:1 teaches us to test the spirits. Have you ever had someone tell you they believe God is telling them to tell you something? If what they say confirms what God has been impressing upon you, then it is a good chance they have heard from God and are speaking truth to you. Cool. But, sometimes, a message such as this is obviously off base. And, sometimes, if you haven't got a confirmation but you also think it’s possible, you can put a message such as this on the shelf. I had a message like that. It took 17 years, but what I was told did come to pass eventually and it was truly exciting when it did!

Are You Listening?

August 21
God is speaking but how do we hear? Remember John 10:3-5 with me. God said he is like a shepherd and we are like his sheep. In the verse, he tells us that sheep know their shepherd’s voice. Knowing that, if we are God’s sheep and His sheep know His voice, then how do we know what God is saying? God is calling us to a place where we can put out the wrong voices and hear His voice.

The Distracted Heart

August 14
Have you ever seen someone who has a problem and they are so busy telling you about the problem that they can’t hear you give them the solution to the problem? Envision a 3 year old who has just gotten a splinter. You have the answer but if they are screaming and crying and flailing, the solution cannot be administered. You have to tell them to stop, to calm down so they can receive the help they need. Abbreviated listening is another issue. Maybe they listen to part of the solution and then get distracted and don’t hear the complete thought or direction.

What Can I Change?

August 7
Have you ever asked “How do I know God is speaking to me?” or “How do I hear from God?” In John 10:3-5, Scripture tells us that His sheep recognize His voice. Sheep know their shepherd’s voice and will come to him, even if they are mixed in with other flocks of sheep. Their shepherd has a certain way of calling them, and they will separate from other flocks and follow that call. John tells us that God’s followers (sheep) follow Him because they know His voice and they WON’T follow a stranger. We need to know God's voice. Proverbs 3:6 says if you seek God’s will, He will show you the path to take. NOTE: God doesn't have a speaking problem. We have a hearing problem. We need to work to listen and understand, and learn to cut through the noise.

Who Are You?

July 31
Have you taken time to think about the fact that you matter? Your life has a purpose. God is working but everything He does on the earth, He does it through his people.
Our country is in a place where fear is rampant. Fear leads to division, hate, accusations, offenses. The environment we have today is similar to the one at the time John the Baptist appeared on the scene. When he began preaching and baptizing, spiritual leaders approached him and challenged him with five questions.

Downloading Rebekah

July 24
Continuing my series, The Cloud, today based on the passages in Hebrews 11 & 12, we are downloading Abraham's daughter-in-law, Rebekah. Remember with me that Abraham and Sarah had their son, Isaac, long after they were of childbearing age. When it came time for Isaac to marry, Abraham was very careful and protective. He sent his faithful servant back to Abraham and Sarah’s families to find a wife for Isaac.

Downloading Abraham

July 17
I have been in Hebrews 11 & 12 the past couple of weeks. The passage speaks of the cloud of witnesses and singles out some who are “in the cloud”. The word picture I get is a stadium where the cloud of witnesses is cheering us on. The question then becomes, what would one of them say to us. I would love to know what Abraham would have to say to us to encourage us and push us forward.

Downloading Samson

July 10
In Hebrews 11, we have a list that we call the Hall of Fame of Faith. In Hebrews 12, these heroes of faith are referred to as a great cloud of witnesses. If these people are considered to be “Hall of Famers”, “Heroes of the Faith”, let’s take a minute and drill down on one of these witnesses. Let’s find out what he has to say to us. I want to look at what Samson would say to us.

The Prodigals

June 26
Have you ever heard the Bible story of the lost son, also known as the prodigal. It is one of my favorites. You can find it in the book of Luke, chapter 15. A man had two sons. The younger one asks his dad for his inheritance, packs up and moves away to a distant land. He proceeds to waste all the money and finds himself so destitute that he ends up working for a pig farmer. He is so hungry that even the pig slop looks good. He realizes the pigs are eating better than he is. As he takes stock of his life, it occurs to him that the servants in his dad’s house are eating better than he is so he decides to go home and ask if he can be a servant for his dad. While he is still a distance away, his father, who has been diligently watching for him since he left, sees him and welcomes him home.

The Stories I'll Tell

June 19
There are so many great stories in the Bible. They are pleasant to read and interesting to study for many different reasons. Today, we are going to highlight a few and identify a takeaway for each.

The Way We Fight Our Battles

June 12
Worship is love expressed. It is an outward expression of what is in your heart. There are different ways to express our worship and we need to worship on both good days and on bad days. Too many minimize the power of worship. It's not about time but about coming into God’s presence. Even on your worst day you can win with worship.

The Ways of Praise

June 5
Sometimes we don't understand what worship is. Church services are frequently referred to as worship services. We also think of the elements in the service as worship. But, worship is not the church service. It is not the songs. Worship is an expression of love. It is adoration. It is the act of expending our precious resources on something we value. God desires to be the object of our worship. He wants to be the person we lavish our resources on.

Value Sets Priority

May 29
What do you value most? Another way to ask this question is what do you worship? We all worship something. Something is getting your adoration. Worship is love expressed. It is our response to whatever we value most. We all have things we think about a lot or things we love to do. Of course, it’s ok to truly enjoy your hobby or to think about your dream, but God should be the priority. He is the only one worthy of being worshipped.

Do Your Part

May 22
God has amazing things in store for you! Scripture says that the plans and thoughts He has for you are beyond anything you can think, ask or imagine! But maybe you find yourself in a place where you are asking, “God, where are you? I do not see you in my current situation.I am believing for a miracle but I am not seeing any movement. I am discouraged and becoming hopeless.” As the epileptic boy’s father said to Jesus in Mark 9, “I believe. Help my unbelief.” We must do our part. If we engage, as we worship, the atmosphere will shift. We have a certain amount of faith but we can increase our faith. We can break the barrier that separates us or holds us back from our victory.

Grab Hold & Don't Let Go!

May 15
When we declare scripture or those things we believe God is saying directly to us, it not the understanding that is powerful, but it is the fact that it is spoken. Some things need to be declared. My wife and I have been declaring certain things over our son since he was still in the womb. You want to find the word of the Lord for your child and you want to speak those things over your child. The same is true for your family.

Live Long & Prosper!

May 8
Have you ever wondered, “How do I have a prosperous and long life?” Ephesians 6:2 gives us a key. Honor your mother and father and things will go well. Why honor? We honor because of the position. Parents may not necessarily deserve honor, but we are commanded to honor unconditionally, just because they hold the position of parent in our life. The position is designated for honor, so we have no excuse.

Grow Where You Are

May 1
Life goes better, when you put God in first place. Scripture says it this way, "When you are planted in the house of the Lord, you will flourish." The local church is the hope of the world. If we are to be that hope, we must be strong and united...we must be PLANTED in the house and there are a few things we must do if we are to be planted and positioned to bloom and flourish. Do you want to be part of building a successful and effective church? Take a look at these with me.

The Journey, Pt. 5

April 24
Jesus died and was resurrected so that we could have a resurrection in our own life as well. I believe this. I believe that is God‘s plan for our life. Jesus gave up His life so we could have a more abundant life in our emotions, in our finances, in our marriage, in our purpose, in our calling. So what is the pathway to this kind of life?

The Journey, Pt. 4

April 17
In this series I have been talking through our Journey. I started with Making a Difference in the first week of this series. Discover Your Purpose was the following week and then Find Freedom was our topic for Palm Sunday. Today is my favorite topic, the passion of my heart, Know God. These four topics make up the pillars of our church. Usually, we state them in this order, “Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Your Purpose and Make a Difference”, but I wanted us to get an idea of our destination (Make a Difference) before we drilled down on how to Make a Difference. It all starts with knowing God.

Finding Freedom

April 10
Life change happens when we know God. When we know God, His spirit comes into our lives and leads us into freedom, changing those things that hold us back from discovering and fulfilling our purpose. As we discover our purpose, we begin to live our best life, the life that is available to us so that we can bless others and make a difference.

Made For This

April 3
People tend to settle for less than what God has for them. Ps 16:11 talks about the path of life God has in mind for us. David meditates on God’s guidance and direction, “Now you’ve got my feet on the life path, all radiant from the shining of your face. Ever since you took my hand, I’m on the right way.” God has freedom and deliverance and a radiant life path in mind for us. Being unstuck from the mire that keeps you off that path is the most fun you'll ever have. I want to help you move forward, taking the steps you need to take to get unstuck.

The Journey: Discovering What's Next

March 27
Are you thinking about what's next for you or have you been comfortable, but thinking there's got to be more. There is!! We're all on a journey and have a next step. No matter who we are or what we believe, we are created in God’s image. Because of this, we have eternity set in our hearts. We have a God spot and all of us are somewhere on the journey of finding the peace and joy that comes from have that spot filled.

Discovering Your Purpose

March 20
At Motor City Church we have a fourfold vision. We want to help people Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Their Purpose, and Make a Difference.

Cathedral Mindset

March 13
As we look forward in the life of the Church, we need perspective that can carry us into the next stage of our journey. A cathedral mindset is needed, one of creating and working toward long-term goals for future generations to enjoy.

Be Salty!

March 6
What's your real purpose as a Christian? One of the top selling books in the world is The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. People desire to know why they're here on earth. There is a simple answer to the question. Our purpose is to Be Salty. Matthew 5:13 is where we can find this answer. “You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.” Saltiness brings out flavor and enhances taste. In another place, Scripture says to taste and see that the Lord is good.

Victorious Secrets, Pt. 4

Feb. 28
Social media and technology have changed our relationships. I love technology and enjoy scrolling through social media and posting. But, being consumed with social media and technology detracts from what God has for us. John 13:34 tells us people will know we are His disciples by our love for each other. But in this day and time, how we show love can be affected by technology.

Secrets to Building the House

Feb. 21
In exploring the principles of building relationships, there are Secrets of Building the House. Building our house on a strong foundation is necessary, and in this day, we have to be more fervent than we've ever been.

Commitment To Relationships

Feb. 14
One of the secrets to winning in relationships is covenant. Covenant in relationships is based on mutual commitment. God is the author of covenant and that is why commitment is essential to having a healthy relationship. If you look to what He says about covenant and choose to live in that principle, you will succeed. He is the one who designed relationships, so let the one who designed relationships, define your relationships. Don't try to do it on your own, leaving God out of the process. God is waiting for you to come back to His ways of doing things.

Victorious Secrets

Feb. 7
Did you realize there are principles you can apply to win in relationships; that there are things you can do to make love that lasts, in all your relationships? I Cor 13:7-8 defines love for us. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and lasts forever. This definition is impossible for us on our own, but God can give us the capacity to love, to love like He does. We must allow God to do a work in our life, a work of His love.

Encountering The Presence of God

Jan 31
One thing we need to understand is that as we try to find God, he is trying to find us. If you can't find God, start to worship and He will find you. Hebrews 11:6 says it is impossible to please God without faith; we must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” We serve a God who is alive and well and here today. Again, if you can’t find God, start to worship Him, seek Him and He will find you.

No Pain, No Gain

Jan 24
I’ve been talking about God Encounters the past few weeks. One moment in God’s presence can change everything in your life. I believe He desires to have more encounters with us! My desire is that your faith rests in the fact that your opinion and your attitude cannot change because you've met God yourself and you've had experience with Him. Because you've had that encounter with Him, your life has been changed.

The Attitude of Gratitude

Jan 20
There is a cycle of blessing that comes into our lives when we practice thankfulness. Your attitude will determine your altitude. I have discovered that this one word alone will work wonders. It will open doors. It will establish relationships. It will make people realize you recognize their effort, and it will make you memorable. Learn the power of the word “Thanks”.

Wrestle Mania

Jan 16
God wants us to have personal encounters with Him. He uses these experiences to change our lives and there are things we can do to invite God encounters into our lives. We have a role to play. There are things we do not want to take into 2022. Right now, at the beginning of the year, take opportunity to focus on God and seek that connection with Him that will transform your life.

Mirror Mirror

Jan 9
Who are you? Really, who are you? Where do you get your identify from? One of three mirrors when looking for your identity.
The first mirror we see ourselves through is the "Mirror of Failure"
Have you defined yourself by what you've done? Don't buy into the lie that you are what you've done. You are not a failure. It doesn't matter how many times you've been married. It doesn't matter what your report card said. It doesn/t matter what your bank account shows. You can change your future. This past week we heard, "God does not see you by what you did, God sees you by what you become" Dr Dave Martin. Start seeing yourself through the lense of Christ.

Looking Out For...Yourself

Jan 1
An important part of looking OUT for ourselves is relationships. What can we do to show love to the people we encounter? The only things that will last in this world are the Word of God and people. Since we know that, our interactions with people should be of extreme importance to us.