You Are the One

These are challenging times and God is looking for people who will stand out and stand up on His Word.  We’re not to settle and accept things as they are. Don’t miss an opportunity to walk in all God has for you. Rise up and walk in the anointing and dynamic power that He has ordained in you. I’m not only talking to you, but I’m talking to the generations to follow. 

We’re created on purpose for a purpose and this is one of the main reasons we face challenges. We need to deal with some things so the next generation doesn't have to. We have the authority to do this, but we’re still trying to put on leaves to cover ourselves instead of dealing head on with things that have generational impact. Deal with your shame. Let God wipe the slate clean. 

He wants us to clean up the mess and raise up a generation that can hit the road running and walk in power. The devil is after them as we know, but God it’s after them more and I want to do my part to process through the mess before they have to. God's way will prevail. Jesus came to give us life more abundantly. 

I have taught “Cathedral Mindset” in the past. It takes hundreds of years to build a cathedral. What we’re building is not for us at Motor City Church, but for generations to come. My question is, “Are we building something for our children and grandchildren?”  Think beyond yourself. God is looking for an Ezekiel 22:30  type of person. Could it be you?  Ezekiel 22:30 makes the appeal, “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.” Will you volunteer, say you’re the one that will do this? 

On September 11, 2001, nineteen people gave their lives for an evil purpose and changed the world. Do we have nineteen people who are willing to build up the wall and stand in the gap? We can turn this city and nation and our families around. 

We can talk about how bad things are; mass shootings, the mental health crisis, brokenness in our homes, murder in the streets, confusion about identity, the border and more. But the primary concern is that we need walls built. Spiritual walls. Our homes need to be protected. We’re too busy building our businesses and our social calendar. We’re not taking our posts as the protectors of our homes seriously. There are no walls to protect our children’s and grandchildren’s minds. Don’t misunderstand. We love everyone. We’re a hospital and not a courtroom. We are not here to judge but to love. But, protection is love. Our kids are on the internet and being exposed to things we never considered. They are being trained to hate and are confused about what and who they are. They’re not being allowed to grow up in a normal process, and they are presented with ideas and concepts that they do not have the discernment to deal with, exposed way too early to things. My dad built walls for me. It gave me the chance to develop discernment over situations as part of a normal growth process. I’ve built walls for my son and I’m going to stand in the gap for him. This next generation needs protection. 

We complain but are we building walls? God’s not just looking for people to bless. He’s looking for people who will protect the generations, who will ntercede and stand in the gap. We just finished 21 Days of Prayer. God is looking for Day 22 people. Commit to God. Tell Him that you’re the one He’s looking for. Surrender your time and energy to God. Put Him first over and above all the rest of your life and concerns. Do what He tells you to do and say what He tells you to say. 

Matthew 8:20 says that foxes have holes, and birds have nests but Jesus had nowhere to lay His head. Do you have unrest? You go home and there’s hell; hell in your relationship, hell in your finances, hell in your household. You have no peace. Everywhere you go there’s no rest. It seems like demons are chasing you down and there are battles in your mind. There is nowhere to find peace, no one to understand you, and no one who knows what you’re going through. You look at others and it seems everyone else is getting blessed. You might say, “Now you’re telling me God wants me to come out of my stuff for another generation?” Yes. Stand up and stand out and build walls, stand in the gap. 

Look to God. Psalm 127:1 exhorts, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” The Lord needs to build the house. Otherwise you are wasting your time and your energy, working for nothing. God will not watch over what He doesn’t build whether it is your life, your business, your health, or your portfolio. You won’t see change unless He’s the head of your life. Verse 2 continues, “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.” It is useless to work so hard because God is the One who gives rest. If you’re not sleeping and resting, you need to restructure your life and put God and His concerns first. 

Have you ever had a problem with the foundation of your house? The house will collapse if the foundation is wrong. But to fix it, you have to tear up some stuff and it can be a huge mess. Take time to fix the foundation of your life. Build your foundation on Jesus! He’s going to challenge you and you’re going to have to let go of some stuff. It may get messy but it is worth it to establish yourself on the Rock. Go back and put in the hard yards. Build your family on God's Word. Pull the kids back in out of the ways of the world and put Him first in your family. 

You’re ordained to be God’s image bearer. He is looking for wall builders and gap standers. In Genesis 1:26 we are told that we are made in God's image. You are made to reign, rule and take dominion, to live and move and have our being in Christ. That’s your job description. Stand in your authority in Christ, not Sunday-morning-only people. There are three ways to assert yourself: 1) How others see you - Authority. 2) How you see yourself - Confidence. 3) Who you are in Christ - Godfidence. God is looking for those who will walk in His image. Living this way, people won’t see you. They will see Him. I want people to see Him in me. But we have to know who we are in Christ to convey that as we relate to others. 

Pray for your family. Speak up about what God's word says. Adam stayed silent and brought a curse on all mankind for all time. Are you afraid and don’t know what to do, standing frozen and silent? Adam was to rule over the serpent, not take instructions from him. Stop. Take authority. Don’t forget who’s in charge. You will rule over your enemies because Christ rules over His and you are in Christ. God is looking for those who will rule over their enemies. Step out of comfort. Say something. Stop allowing the enemy to misdirect your family. Make a difference. 

Sometimes we can’t say what God said because we don’t know what He said. Know God’s  Word so you can stand on it. Don’t mix up biblical issues with political issues. What does God say about the issues? Don’t sit on the sideline and watch people be destroyed, committing to nothing and changing nothing, protecting nothing. What happened to being faithful, true friendship and covenant? Love people enough to tell the truth. Will you put your life on the line for the next generation?  

What can you do? Join a small group. Learn what God says about life’s issues and concerns. Come into the rest He has for you. Learn what to do through small group material and discussions. Learn how you should be in your relationships, as a parent and as a follower of Christ. Allow people to come alongside and help you in your personal spiritual growth. To take a stand, you will need to deal with your own sin so you can be bold to stand up for God's plan and His Word. Sin will take away your boldness in a second and cause anguish in your mind. Set yourself on a firm foundation. 

I love the song “Gratitude” - “Come on my soul. Don’t you get shy on me. Lift up your song. You’ve got a lion inside of those lungs. Get up and praise the Lord!” For Christ followers, that lion is no less than the Lion of Judah, Christ Himself. Pray for city officials and state and national officers. Pray for your boss. Pray for your family. 

Are you the person? I want to be that person. Will you commit to build walls and stand in the gap? Put God first in your heart and then put Him first in all other areas. Draw close to Him. Life will go better and your purpose in Christ will be manifested. You can make a difference.