Never Doubt Again

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He hasn’t changed. Today we are in Galatians 3. Have you had times when everything is falling apart and it seems that foreign voices overwhelm every other voice, like a market salesman shouting and proclaiming his services and wares? I’ve felt that way about faith. I tried to live by faith and all hell broke loose. The enemy starts talking and you get to the place where you say, “God, if you’re real can you just touch me?” Would you be interested if I gave you something that would keep you from doubting ever again? Remember, you are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26-29).

In Galatians 3: 1-14, the apostle Paul speaks of the hearing of faith. What do you hear when you hear faith? There is a sound of faith. When God does a miracle, there’s a key that initiates that miracle.  Have you ever had a miracle? Did you do some work on your side? When I got saved, I didn't know the words of the biblical gospels. Without knowing anything about the Bible, I was saved. I just believed in my heart and received Jesus. It was a miracle work of God.  When I was told I couldn't have children, I didn't know how to fix it. I had no power in myself that would change the situation. He did the miracle. Miracles are done by God, and they are initiated because of the hearing of faith. 

In Romans 4, we learn that Abraham believed and it was accounted to him as righteousness. We are made God's righteousness through Christ, but Abraham, who lived before Christ, got righteousness on credit. Why? Abraham got something right. He got it by faith. Those who are of faith, are sons of Abraham. You are Abraham’s seed and you have the same blessing that was spoken to him and his seed. The just shall live by faith. This is not a spare tire. It’s not just pulled out when we have a problem. We live by faith daily. How often should we live to stay alive? Even the most tired you are, your heart is still beating and your lungs are still breathing. It’s a 24 hr a day deal for decades. Faith is the heartbeat of our spirit and is a 24 hr per day deal. We live by faith.  

Romans 10:6 says that the righteousness of faith speaks. What does faith speak? 2 Corinthians 4:13 explains we have the same spirit of faith, the same attitude of faith. I believed and therefore I speak. What do we speak? We speak faith. Luke 6:45 tells us we are revealed by the word we speak. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. In an atmosphere of faith, we know how to speak but I’m not talking about the filter we use at church. The revelation of the heart comes when you hit your fingernail with a hammer or when your boss lays you off. It comes when you get a bad health report.  When you get bad news, the pressure is on and the true condition of your heart is revealed. What comes out of your mouth at this time reveals what you truly believe. 

So if faith hears and faith speaks, what do we say? How do we employ faith. Romans 10:6-13 says that the word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. That is the word of faith. Understand what he’s saying.  Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. That word is brought by faith. Think of it this way. Wet comes by water. The moment water hits you, you’re wet. Everybody who hears the Word has faith. The Word hits you and you have faith. An atheist hearing the Word is getting the same faith we’re all getting. You may ask, “Why don’t I feel it?” There is no feeling to faith. The Word carries faith. If the Word is carrying faith, it is the Word of faith. If God says something, choose to believe it. If you confess and believe, you will be saved. The heart believes unto righteousness. It sets your position in Christ. Confession activates faith. 

Abraham was counted righteous because he believed. He did not waver at the promise, but was fully convinced that what God had promised, He was able to perform. What does God say about the issue? He says to say what He says. Speak what He says. Don’t tell Him your opinion or try to discuss it. Forget your “maybes” and “could bes”. 

The Living Bible translation of Romans 4:20 says that Abraham never doubted. When I saw this for the first time I asked “What manner of man is this?” that he NEVER doubted! Abraham means the father of many nations but he did not have children and Sarah was barren as well. Yet, he did not consider his body or the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He was strengthened in faith and fully convinced. What God promised, Abraham knew God was able to perform it. Abraham didn’t waver.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 says “I’ve set before you life and death. Blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life.” Why did this need to be said? Evidently we choose death. It is our choice. How do we make the choice? Proverbs 18:21 reveals that death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat the truth of it. In Matthew 21:21, Jesus taught the disciples “If you have faith and do not doubt…” This tells me that you can have faith but still doubt. Not doubting is the key. It unlocks the miracle.  We’re all given the same measure of faith. When we do not doubt, we hold the key. 

Jesus said “You will have tribulation but be of good cheer. I’ve overcome the world.” Troubles are coming. Get excited!! I don’t care what the enemy is bringing. When there is trouble, the enemy has seen something and he’s trying to stop it. Run at that giant! You have the life of God. You are the head and not the tail. The testing of your faith produces patience. God won’t mock you. But ask with no doubt. 

James 1 explains. Do not be double minded is “dipsychos” in Greek. It means two-spirited, vacillating, double-minded.  It’s an attitude. Another spirit is warring in the mind. You are saying “I am healed” then flip flopping and focusing on pain or inflammation. You are speaking out of both minds. Think of a crane lifting a heavy shipping crate. When you are speaking in faith, you are like the crane lifting the crate. But when you speak with doubt, it’s like cutting the cable. To pick up the crate, the crane operator has to install a new cable and start again from the beginning. Every time you drop the belief you have to start over in the faith journey. Stay consistent. Choose the right spirit. Choose life. You’ll never get to where you need to be if you are wavering. Don’t entertain "little faith" which is a short burst of faith. The key is not to withdraw. 

Another example is to count from 1-10 silently in your mind. While counting, try to stop counting. You’re still counting. Ok, now count again then shout “I love Jesus!” The counting stopped! You have a choice in what comes out of your mouth. God has designed your spirit, so that when you speak, your thoughts will stop to hear what you have to say. If you don’t say it, you've not doubted. What are you confessing! Proclaim what God has said. You're my provider. You’re my healer! I’m healed by your stripes Jesus. This is the cycle of faith. As you speak faith, you hear faith and faith goes into your heart. Then you speak faith and faith comes by hearing. Out of the abundance of your heart, your mouth speaks faith. You hear faith and on it goes. Faith builds up in abundance.  Take God's words and speak them. Until you speak doubt with your mouth, it is not your doubt. Believe in your heart, then confess with your mouth in faith. Know God’s Word and speak it and you will not doubt. This is the key to unlocking the miraculous.