Encountering The Presence of God(God Encounters, Pt. 4)

Do you desire to get to know God better this year? Lean in. Consider with me what it takes to have an encounter with God.

One thing we need to understand is that as we try to find God, he is trying to find us. If you can't find God, start to worship and He will find you. Hebrews 11:6 says it is impossible to please God without faith; we must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” We serve a God who is alive and well and here today. Again, if you can’t find God, start to worship Him, seek Him and He will find you. In John 4:23, the word worship is proskuneo in the Greek. It means kiss but the picture is of a dog licking a master’s hand. This reminds me of my dog when I come home of an evening or after a trip. She comes running and practically runs up my leg trying to get to my face. She loves me and I have to admit, I like that she is so happy to see me.

At Motor City Church, we want to foster a version of Christianity that attracts the presence of God. We want to be passionate and excited for God’s presence. We know from Scripture that this attitude of worship invites the presence of God. He is drawn to our seeking and to our desire for Him. God has amazing things in mind for you, things you can’t ask, think or imagine. But he wants to do it with you, in true partnership, true affection, true relationship. He wants to be with people who want to be with Him. When we seek God with passion, desire and excitement, the atmosphere changes because God inhabits the praises of His people. When He shows up, everything changes.

As we worship, we get the mind of victory, the mind of God. This is how we fight our battles, in true worship, in spirit and in truth, with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Worship is a powerful force because He not only shows up but He defeats our enemies when He comes. As we worship, we are strengthened. The Lord’s joy fills us and breathes new life into us, strengthening us and encouraging us. He shows up in supernatural ways when we worship Him. When God shows up, suddenlies begin to happen, chains fall off, not only off us but off those around us. Praise and worship not only helps us but those around us. Lean in with us this year. Go all in. You will not find God if you're not looking. If you look for Him, He will be found and you will not be disappointed!
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