Wrestle Mania(God Encounters, Pt. 2)

God wants us to have personal encounters with Him. He uses these experiences to change our lives and there are things we can do to invite God encounters into our lives. We have a role to play. There are things we do not want to take into 2022. Right now, at the beginning of the year, take opportunity to focus on God and seek that connection with Him that will transform your life.

It’s interesting first to see how we get stuck. We have our own personal wrestle mania. 1) We wrestle with our past. We have missed opportunities or things we did wrong. Wrestling with regrets and guilt is a horrible use of our energy. 2) We wrestle with our secrets and we wrestle to keep and hold our secrets. We cannot prosper if we conceal our sins. Or if we do prosper, we don’t enjoy the blessing of it because we are busy trying to hide things. 3) We wrestle with God. We struggle, and fight, we rebel, and we run away. But, we still end up coming back to God. It is a waste of days wrestling with God and it costs us dearly.

What’s the answer? If you want Something New in 22, give up control and surrender to God. God is not looking for perfection. He just wants you. As you are. Just come. Ask the Holy Spirit speak to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you hear what He is saying. Confess your sins and repent. Humble yourself in these ways and you will see breakthrough. Surrendering your whole life to God is the key to transformation. You must stop carefully measuring out what you will give to God or what you will give up on behalf of His purposes. Give up the driver’s seat. Stop insisting on your own way and seek God’s way. What you sow you will reap, pressed down, shaken together and running over. This is the abundant life that will be New for You in 22!
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