You know we all face situations that we don’t like. Someone’s not treating us right or business is not growing as fast as we had hoped… We’re single and still haven’t met that someone or… you’re married and wish you hadn’t met that someone.  

It is easy to live uptight and all stressed out on the inside because we don’t understand why things are taking so long. We are frustrated why this person hasn’t changed or why our prayers haven’t been answered. We end up fighting against everything that we do not like and never being at peace.

Here’s a key… just because it’s uncomfortable does not mean it’s not where we’re supposed to be. God uses difficulties sometimes to do a work in us.  Our character is developed in the tough times.

In scripture, we learn that God did not lead the Israelites by the shortest route but took them the long way to prepare them for war. God knew if He had taken them in too quickly, they would have been easily defeated by their enemies. I’m sure they prayed many times, “God we’re uncomfortable out here in the desert, it’s hot and we’re tired. But God did not answer that prayer. This was not to make their lives miserable, but God knew what was in front of them and He had to toughen them up and get them prepared so that they could step into the fullness of their destiny.

In the same way, God has already laid out the plan for your life and He knows exactly what you need, when you need it, who you need alongside, and the battles you’re going to face as well as the dreams you’re going to accomplish. That is why you cannot pray away every uncomfortable situation and every test that you face. 

Sometimes God will use a person like sandpaper, to rub the rough edges off of you. Even if you were to pray them away, God would send you another person just like them. God is more interested in changing you than He is in changing your circumstances. God loves you too much to let you stay where you are. Remind yourself that this is not working against you, but this is working for you, getting you in position for the amazing future that God has in store.

The truth is that if God were to remove some of the things you’ve been praying about right now, you would not be prepared for where God is taking you. You have to let God do the work in you. Pass the tests you are in. Paul prayed in Colossians 3 that the people would have the strength to endure whatever came their way. He prayed that they would have the strength to go through it with a good attitude, preparing them for the next level.

Think about David. He was anointed to be King, anointed by God to be the next leader of Israel, yet he had to go through the same process. For many years, King Saul literally hunted David down to kill him (1 Samuel 23). It’s interesting how God did not remove Saul, but David did the right thing time after time. God was getting David prepared to be king.

Your future is so big God has to get your spiritual muscles and your character and your maturity to match the level of the place where God is getting ready to thrust you. Every time you help someone in need or take the high road, it does not go unnoticed. God keeps the record and He is saying that the breakthrough is coming. Just like David, you are going to become everything that God has created you to be. I want you to have a new perspective. Those difficulties are not happening TO you, they are happening FOR you. It is not your job to do the impossible. You have to do the difficult and He will take care of the impossible.

There’s an old hymn, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness...I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name.  On Christ the solid rock i stand, all other ground is sinking sand...all other ground is sinking sand.” My confidence and my trust is in Him and I can still remain at peace in the middle of the battle. It really takes all the pressure off. Rest in Him. He has it all under control.

I believe, until you enter into God's rest, it will keep the new thing from happening.The prayer we should all pray on a regular basis is “not my will, but your will be done”. We can only see a little bit down the road, but God can see the big picture. He knows how to get you to your destinations, so why don’t you take your hands off the wheel.

We always thank God for the open doors and we should celebrate those, but I’ve learned to thank God just as much for closed doors. What I used to see as a disappointment, I now see as the hand of God. If a door is closed, He’s got something better for you in mind. His ways are higher than your ways. When you are at rest, you're passing the test. “The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?” (Proverbs 20:24 NLT).

You will enjoy your life so much more if you trust God, and I believe, just like David, you will step into the fullness of your destiny and God will take you further than you ever imagined.