You Asked For It:
Election Infection

Did you know the Bible is packed with politics? You cannot read the Bible and think God is not interested in our national and state lives. The same Bible that directs our spiritual and family life, directs nations. If we want God’s blessings upon our nation, we will pay attention and live by these standards. 

In this election season, with all the tension and controversy, our hearts are at risk for what I call “election infection”. Passions are spiked. Thinking is clouded. Relationships can be damaged. Everywhere there’s a post, a comment or a conversation puts us at risk for election infection. Meanwhile election ads promise policies that are going to save us all. And, if this wasn’t enough, we really do have problems that need to be dealt with. This all works to make it easy for our hearts to become jaded. Election infection is an epidemic. 

So what can I say today to make a difference in our current climate. I say, be the adult in the room. Politicians come and go. Don’t lose a long-term relationship arguing over a short-term candidate. Remember your first love. Politics aren’t your religion and campaigning is not the evangelism you are called to. Keep your hearts tuned into who’s on the Throne, not who’s in the White House. Be salt and light.  When the church abdicates its responsibility to influence the government, the government is very happy to interfere with the church. Influence the government rather than allowing the government to redefine your standards. 

We are seeing the government moving into theological spaces, attempting to tell us how we should believe - but this is not a new threat. Jesus faced it. In Mark 12:13-17, religious groups asked Jesus if it was right to pay taxes to Caesar. Jesus saw through their hypocrisy and in brilliant wisdom, declared truth, spoke to the heart. “Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God.” They started with compliments and then asked about a specific controversial tax. In essence, they were asking “whose side are you on? Where does your allegiance lie?” 

In this election season, our faith and biblical literacy are being tested. When you go to a doctor for a medical need, he asks you questions about your symptoms. Well, the doctor is in the house. Let me ask you some questions so you can self-diagnose and find out if you have election infection.

  1. Does your faith come before your political affiliation? Is your secular life separated from your spiritual life? Do you let God determine what you’re doing politically? Are you asking God to leave this area alone in your life? Is Christ your life (Colossians 3:4)? Nothing should be separated from your life in Christ, including your political life. When we DISCONNECT a part of our life from Christ, we disconnect from the blessing He wants to bring into our life. To only give Christ part of your life is to refuse the abundant life. What if what is going on in our world today is a result of our political choices being separated from our faith? We’ve disconnected from God. Approach the election with faith. Be a Christ-follower first; a Christian, then an American. Put Jesus first in all your choices and all you do. What sense does it make to trust God with our eternal life and not our earthly life?
  2. Do you love people more than policy? What we post and how we talk impacts people, usually those who are closest to us. Saying whatever we want is reckless. Some of you are more concerned about making a POINT than making a DIFFERENCE. John 13:35 says we will be known as Jesus’ disciples by our love - not our opinions. One of my favorite things about my mentor, John Maxwell, is how well he loves people. This is his characteristic that impacts me the most. He adds value to everyone he meets. Love and hate are contagious. Faith is contagious. It matters what you say and how you say it. Scripture does not allow us to say whatever we want. It matters how you treat people. God loves everyone and has purpose for each one. He wants all people to be with Him in heaven. Set in your heart that no matter what happens, you’re ready to be the Church on the day after Election Day. Washington can CHANGE LEADERS. The Church is still God’s plan to CHANGE THE WORLD… But we must love! 
  3. Are you apathetic or are you actively using your voice? You’re a part of a tiny percent of people who are allowed to participate in selecting who will lead your country. The opportunity to engage in the political process is NOT a LUXURY, it is a biblical responsibility. Proverbs 3:27 teaches us not to withhold good. Use your voice to do what’s right. Dive into what the candidates stand for. Look at their resumes. What would you do for your business? Would you hire someone you didn’t check out? Know the candidate and more importantly, know GOD’S AGENDA. Proverbs 11:11 tells us the city is exalted because of the righteous who live in it. It is only to the degree that we include God’s PERSPECTIVE and POLICIES in politics that we witness His PRESENCE and POWER in society.  The only opinion to care about is God's opinion. Vote! We have 60 million Christians in this country and only half voted in the last presidential election. We’re called to REDEEM our nation through the vote, not to RETREAT. Matthew 5 says we are the light. We cannot pull back. Light is most needed in the dark. 
  4. Are you a person of panic or a person of prayer? Consider the billions of dollars spent to fill our minds with fear through media. It’s the opposite of faith. Respond to the deadline with prayer. Prayer takes our focus off the government's problems and places it on God’s plan. Prayer redirects our hope in politics and places it on an all-powerful God. Exchange worries with God’s abilities. Place everything in the hands of God by prayer and then VOTE! According to Phillippians 2:9-11, Jesus has the name above all other names. What is the world coming to? It’s coming to this…. the end of ARROGANCE, GREED, IDOLATRY and INJUSTICE – and the reign of Jesus who is MEEK, TRUE, GENEROUS and MIGHTY! In the end, all are healed. In that day of His return, we will have no need for national defense. Every need will be met. There will be no more tears and no more pain.  All will know that He is who He claimed to be. King Jesus is ruling from a throne of righteousness. 

Know what the Bible says. Know policies. Vote using the Bible as your standard. Love one another. Keep Jesus at the center of all. This day is a REMINDER that the most important leadership decision you will ever make is not who will lead this country, but who will lead your life. If you choose Christ, this day will be full of joy as you will spend eternity with Him. If you choose a lesser way, then this day will be one of regret. Choose life in Jesus today.