Discovering Your Purpose

At Motor City Church we have a fourfold vision. We want to help people Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Their Purpose, and Make a Difference.

There’s a challenge we have in life. If we accept the challenge, we will be much more fulfilled and have a stronger sense of reward. The challenge is to discover our purpose. Nothing is more important than to find ourselves. We ask, “Why am I here?” What could be better for a person who is created by God, in the image of God, with a plan for their life than to find themselves. Once we discover our purpose, how do we take that purpose and really use it to make a difference? When a person’s purpose becomes bigger than them is when they make a difference. To take the purpose and use it in a position with people where it has a greater eternal value makes the biggest impact.

In order to do this, you’re going to have to give up your own way. Mark 8:34 tells us, if we want to be a Jesus follower, we must give up our own way. If we try to hang onto our life, we are going to lose it but if we give it up, we will save it. It’s not about us. It’s about the difference we can make in others. Give yourself to a greater cause and find your purpose. It’s important to know that you don’t decide your purpose. You discover your purpose. To discover your purpose, first, you must have a relationship with God. In Jeremiah 29:11, we learn that God has plans for us, plans for good, and not for disaster. God is for us. He is for you. He has thoughts and plans about you! Did you know He thinks about you? Knowing God thinks you’re valuable gives you Godfidence and helps you in discovering your purpose. Finding your purpose also involves finding your passion. We administer spiritual gifts assessments in our Belong class which helps with this. Passion is linked with purpose. It gives you energy when you function within your passion. I don’t believe in high energy vs low energy people. I believe energy lies in the passion. Even better, when you help others find their passion and build their dreams, God will help you build yours. God has people who are designed to come alongside and complement each other’s dreams so that together they fulfill a greater dream. Teamwork really does make the dream work.

Jesus said if you are going to do this, you’ve got to give up your own way and follow Him. Take your purpose and place it in a position, in something bigger than yourself and all of a sudden, it begins to make a difference. You move from success to real significance. I think most of us would love to make a difference – something with eternal value. I love getting around people who want to make a difference, who want to reach a city. Together we can do some great things. Time is of the essence. Let’s make sure to do what’s right from the very beginning. Find your purpose and be ready for anything God brings your way!

One of God’s greatest plans that He has for you is to know you, for you to have a relationship with Him. When you put God first in your life, He will take you places that you’ve never dreamed.
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