There are a lot of different versions of the Christmas story, but the only real reason to celebrate Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ. Dr. Dave takes us on a journey of discovery into the true essence of Christmas. Through this message, we are reminded of the profound impact of God's divine gift.

So many of us celebrate Christmas by decorating our homes and places of business and by giving gifts to one another and even gifts to those in need. But Christmas is not just about gifts and decorations; it's about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

The wise men understood that there was significance in Jesus' birth. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, each symbolizing a profound truth about Jesus:

-Gold: Acknowledging Jesus as the King of Kings. They were declaring His sovereignty over their lives. 

-Frankincense: Symbolizing prayer, communication with God. God was sending Jesus so He could communicate with us and the wise men were reciprocating the desire for communication with God with the gift of Frankincense. 

-Myrrh: Representing death and burial. They understood He came into the world to give His life for us. Christmas is time to remember Jesus' birth but also to remember His sacrifice for us. 

The root cause of the world's problems is the condition of the human heart, which results in sin. Sin separates us from God. All of our relationships are polluted and affected by sin. Our community, society and world are all impacted negatively by sin. God sent Jesus to fix these problems.

We didn't need information, money or pleasure to fix our problems. We needed salvation, forgiveness and a heart change. So, God sent us a savior. God loved us so much that He gave us Jesus who came to address this fundamental issue, to rescue us from this dilema of our heart problem which is really being separated from God.

This is all to say, don't leave Jesus as a baby this Christmas. Look at His life. Move from the cradle to the cross. Jesus provided for our greatest need through His life and sacrifice. We were in overdraft trouble and He paid the price. Becoming a Christ follower frees you from your past. Don't miss the reason for the gift God gave.

Dr. James Allen Francis wrote the poem "One Solitary Life". In this work. Dr. Francis gives a thought provoking description of Jesus' life. Despite living a humble and short life, Jesus' impact on the world is unparalleled. Jesus, without holding any earthly power or wealth, became the central figure of human history. His life, death, and resurrection offer hope, peace, and a path to reconciliation with God.

Remember as you give and receive gifts in this season, don't forget the real gift of Christmas. Have you received Jesus as your savior and Lord? Do you need to renew your relationship with Him? Christ's perfect love conquers fear and He is the prince of peace, making us into peacemakers. Have you lost someone this year? Find faith and hope in Jesus. One heartfelt prayer is all it takes. 

Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the incredible gift of salvation He offers. By understanding the significance of His life and sacrifice, we can experience true joy and peace. Let this season be a reminder to embrace and know and share the greatest gift of all—Jesus Christ.