Our focus today is on discovering your purpose—a topic that resonates deeply with many of us. Let's dive in and explore how understanding our purpose can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

There’s a challenge we have in life that needs to be accepted and met. Many of us grapple with the question, "Why am I here?" This challenge is universal, and finding the answer can lead to a more fulfilling life. Jesus said in John 10:10, "I have come that you might have life, and have it in abundance." This abundant life is what we call the ultimate life, and it starts with discovering your purpose.

In Mark 8:34-35, Jesus introduces the concept of giving up our own way to follow Him. He says, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me." This teaching emphasizes that true fulfillment comes from aligning our lives with God's purpose.

When we find ourselves, we find our purpose. How do you find yourself? Understand, your purpose is not decided by you. You discover your purpose. God formed you and has a plan for you. He loves you and is thinking about you. He is with you. Ask Him to help you discern and discover why you’re here on the earth. 

Surround yourself with people who are passionate and purposeful. These individuals will encourage you to find your own identity and pursue your passions. Be discerning of “innocent” phrases; “You can’t”, “ You’re not”, “It won’t work”. As the saying goes, "Birds of a feather flock together." So, start hanging around with some eagles and quit hanging around with a bunch of turkeys.

This may sound like an opposing idea, but you need to spend more time by yourself and less time around people. This isn't about isolating yourself but about taking time for self-reflection. Use this time to think about your desires, talents, and the unique gifts God has given you. Take a few minutes each day to meditate and reflect on your life.

Ask yourself the tough questions. What are you passionate about? What gets you excited? Passion is often linked to purpose. Write down your answers to these questions without fear or judgment or justification. Your answers will be clues to what you were created to do. What topics or issues can you talk about for hours without losing track of time. What section do you go to in the bookstore? What would you do for a job if you didn’t have to worry about bills? What brings you the most joy? These questions will help you identify your passion, which is a significant clue to your purpose. What you love to do is often what you should be doing. 

When God created you, He gave you specific gifts to help you fulfill your purpose. These gifts come from God and are meant to be used for His glory. When you identify your spiritual gifts, you've taken a step closer to finding your purpose.

Working in your areas of strengths is also fulfilling and satisfying. Conversely, when you're working in areas of weakness, you'll feel tired and drained. Identify your strengths and focus on using them to make the most significant impact.

Some people don’t feel they have a particular dream for themselves but love to help others fulfill their dreams. Jesus gave fishermen a dream and a cause. Sometimes people are designed to come alongside and be a part of a team. This is how they make a difference. 

Once you've discovered your purpose, the next step is to contribute to something bigger than yourself. Jesus said, "You must give up your own way." When you give your purpose to God and follow His plan, you'll make a more significant impact.

Great things in life take a team. We're better together, and when we combine our gifts and talents, we can make a more significant difference. Whether it's serving in the church, helping others, or using your gifts in your career, teamwork makes the dream work.

This week, take some time to reflect on your purpose. Ask yourself the tough questions and spend time in self-reflection. Surround yourself with passionate, purposeful people and focus on your strengths. 

Questions to Ponder:

  1. What am I passionate about?
  2. What are my strengths?
  3. How can I use my gifts to make a difference?

Purpose positioned makes a difference. Do you want to do something with your life that matters,  something that has eternal value? Fulfilled purpose will build legacy over the years which will then have an eternal value and produce a more fulfilling and rewarding life for you. God has a plan for you and by aligning your life with His plan you can make a difference together with those in your circle and community.