Clear Your Vision

You’ve heard it said that we are to write the vision and make it clear. Have you ever heard it said this way, “Clear your vision”? A lot of people don’t reach their potential, not because they’re not talented enough or don’t have the favor of God. It is because their vision is limited, blurred or hindered. They don’t see themselves living healthy, accomplishing their dreams, happily married. They will never rise any higher than the way that they see themselves. 

Your vision is setting the limits for your life. The picture that you keep in front of you, in your imagination, is what you’re moving toward and subconsciously, like a magnet, you’re being pulled toward what you see. In Psalm 139:14, you are referred to as a masterpiece, one of a kind. Get your image in line with God’s image. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7 AMPC). It is important that the picture you have is something that you desire. God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.

You are full of potential. God has given you gifts and talents. He’s lined up His favor and the right people, everything you need to fulfill your purpose, but sometimes you are not seeing your greatness because your vision is limited. The problem is not with who you are. It’s with what you can see. You’ve got to make sure that your vision is clear. You’ve got to move things out of the way that are hindering your vision. 

You are forgiven, and you are redeemed. God’s mercy is bigger than any mistake you’ve ever made or any negative thing that’s happened in your past. Clear out the guilt, clear out the shame, and start seeing yourself, as forgiven, a child of the most high God.

You have not seen your best days yet. In fact, the enemy wouldn’t be fighting you if he didn’t know something awesome was in store for you. Clear your vision “By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope (the amazing future, Heaven on earth) to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones)” (Ephesians 1:18 AMPC). 

Remember, other people do not control your destiny. What others have said, or what you think they think or have said, does not have anything to do with God’s plan or what God says. In Numbers 13, ten spies reported that they saw themselves as grasshoppers after they toured the land God had promised them. They saw the people of the land as giants, more powerful than they were. In fact, they were the ones with the power. They were the children of God, the ones that had His favor, and were destined to take the land. But, their vision was blocked.

The Bible says you will have wings like an eagle, that you were created to soar and rise above the storm, to overcome what’s holding you back. Grasshoppers and eagles both have wings but grasshoppers can’t really fly. The children of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years because they saw themselves the wrong way, limited and lacking and not enough. Don’t let that grasshopper mentality keep you walking around in a desert of life for years. Get in agreement with God and soar like an eagle. 

God being for you is more than anything that would come against you. We all have opposition and things that are not fair but you’ve got to see yourself as an overcomer, as a victor and not a victim. In a moment, God’s favor can turn it all together for your good. I want you to see those wings on your side are not grasshopper wings. Those are eagle wings!

What would happen if that thing that was blocking your vision was moved and you started seeing yourself for who you really are… a son or a daughter of God with greatness on the inside of you. Nothing that has happened to you, or will happen to you, can change God‘s plan and God’s purpose for your life. As your vision clears, you will start moving into the dimensions of favor and blessing that belong to you.  

God will never ask you to do something and not give you the ability to do it. God would not have told the Israelites to go into the promised land if those giants were going to defeat them. The thing is, it wasn’t the giants defeating them. It was their own image and mindset that was defeating them. 

God has given you incredible promises. He said no weapon formed against you will prosper. He said he would restore health and heal you of your wounds. He said your children will be mighty in the land. He said you will lend and not borrow and that your latter days will be better than your former days.

How do you see yourself, your future, your children? Clear your vision, clear up all the excuses.  God says you are well able, you are strong in the Lord. God is going before you and goodness and mercy are following you. Favor is surrounding you. God's dream for your life is much bigger than your own. Where God wants to take you, the doors He wants to open for you, the people you’re going to meet are more than you could even imagine. His will on earth as it is in heaven. What’s God’s plan in heaven for you on earth? Can you see yourself in the future? Look through the eyes of faith and let it work for you. Instead of worrying, use your imagination to think about what could go right. Delete the enemy’s picture and create a new picture. God will take you further than you’ve ever dreamed, but it’s got to start on the inside. 

What do you see? You’re always moving toward the picture you have in your mind. Delete the pictures that are limiting your vision and begin using your imagination to visualize the promises God has for you. Clear your vision.